The UTK Quantum Materials Group is home to a large number of researchers working across disciplinary boundaries on problems ranging for superconductivity to quantum magnetism and quantum computing. Current affiliates are listed below sorted by research area. Click on any portrait to learn more about IAMM Quantum Center research. If you are working with us and would like to be included in the list of affiliated faculty, please send us a message.
- Finding the Elusive Quantum Spin Liquid by Taking the Road Less Traveled
- Dynamic fractals discovered in a magnet
- Quantum Materials at UT awarded MRSEC
- Fall 2023 seminars announced
- Chiral superconductivity on a silicon surface
Quantum Materials Discovery & Synthesis
Synthesis, molecular quantum systems, 2D materials, quantum magnetism, strongly correlated electron systems.

Quantum Theory & Simulations
Artificial Intelligence, high performance computing, topology, algorithmic development, correlated systems

Quantum Experiments
Spectroscopy, out of equilibrium quantum measurement and sensing, and transport

Quantum Engineering
Quantum entanglement, quantum computing and simulation, engineering topological states, and quantum devices