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Affiliates – Hanno Weitering

Prof. Hanno Weitering
[email protected]

Professor of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Research focus: Quantum Materials, e.g. synthesis, molecular quantum systems, 2D materials, quantum magnetism, strongly correlated electron systems.



Dr. Hanno Weitering is a Professor of Physics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, working in the area of experimental condensed matter physics, with special emphasis on understanding and exploiting the physical properties of surfaces, interfaces, and ultrathin film materials. His research centers on electronic instabilities and correlated electron phenomena in low-dimensional materials. Among his most notable works in recent years are the discovery of itinerant antiferromagnetism in ruthenium dioxide, a well-known chemical catalyst, and the realization of topological superconductivity at the surface of a conventional silicon semiconductor. The latter finding suggests a novel silicon-compatible pathway towards discovery of elusive phases of quantum matter that could potentially be used for future quantum technologies. Dr. Weitering advised or co-advised 15 graduate students and 13 postdoctoral associates. He chaired various international review panels and served as Deputy Director of the UTK/ORNL Joint Institute of Advanced Materials from 2009-2019. He was Head of the UTK Department of Physics and Astronomy from 2012 until 2022. Prof. Weitering is an elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and was named Chancellor’s Professor in 2022.

Research Description

My group focusses on MBE synthesis and characterization (STM, STS, photoemission, transport, SQUID magnetometry) of low-dimensional quantum materials, with specific emphasis on low-dimensional superconductors. Recent efforts focused on realizing topological superconductivity on the technologically important silicon platform.

Recent research

1. Evidence for chiral superconductivity on a silicon surface, F. Ming, X. Wu, C. Chen, K.D. Wang, P. Mai, T.A. Maier, J. Strockoz, J.W.F. Venderbos, C. Gonzalez, J. Ortega, S. Johnston, and H.H. Weitering, Nature Phys. (2023);

2. Superconductivity in a Hole-Doped Mott-Insulating Triangular Adatom Layer on a Silicon Surface, X. Wu, F. Ming, T.S. Smith, G. Liu, F. Ye, K. Wang, S. Johnston, and H.H. Weitering Phys Rev Lett. 125, 117001 (2020).

3. Coupled Sublattice Melting and Charge-Order Transition in Two Dimensions. T.S. Smith, F. Ming, D.G. Trabada, C. Gonzalez, D. Soler-Polo, F. Flores, J. Ortega, and H.H. Weitering, Phys Rev Lett. 124, 097602 (2020).

4. Realization of a Hole-Doped Mott Insulator on a Triangular Silicon Lattice. F. Ming, S. Johnston, D. Mulugeta, T.S. Smith, P. Vilmercati, G. Lee, T.A. Maier, P.C. Snijders, and H.H. Weitering, Phys Rev Lett. 119, 266802 (2017).

5. Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in RuO2, T. Berlijn, P.C. Snijders, O. Delaire, H.D. Zhou, T.A. Maier, H.B. Cao, S.-X. Shi, M. Matsuda, Y. Wang. M.R. Koehler, P.R.C. Kent, and H.H. Weitering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 077201 (2017).

Research Image

Quasi-particle interference spectrum of a monatomic superconducting tin layer on a silicon substrate. The bright star at the center originates from quasi-particle scattering processes in which time-reversal symmetry is broken. The latter indicates that the superconductivity is topological in nature.